One comment on “On mental illness and its stigmas

  1. Thank you for this–not just because you are being honest–but because it gives me some insight into this stuff…

    In particular–because when people talk about depression–and you are but one of the close friends that have experiences with depression–it’s something that I don’t know how to get a handle on.

    Specifically–you mention that feeling you get when you don’t want to get up and face the day–and how that feeling can actually cause you pain..etc..

    I can honestly say–and this is not bragging–but just data–that I don’t ever feel that and/or that I’ve never felt that … I don’t know why.. I may just be lucky as all fuck–but having never felt such a thing… makes me often less capable of understanding–in a real way–what’s going on with my good friends…

    In other words–this is a defect on my part in a very real way.. as I can intellectually know what they are talking about–maybe–but that I don’t have the kind of experience to draw upon that leads to better and more real manners of responding.

    But I like the completeness of your description.. and the honesty of it. It adds perspective and it tells a story that I can comprehend a bit better than before.. so thank you..

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