
All posts tagged Lyrics

Post by JAI

Award winning composer, vocalist, and superheroine


Beyonce’s has one of sexiest and most provocative voices in the industry and she is bar none, one of the most beautiful black women I’ve ever seen! She is always so passionate about whatever she decides to sing about and puts her heart and soul into the lyrics and presentation. As a woman, I particularly like this song. I also think of what it would be like to be a man, how men treat women, and how I would also be a better man if I wasn’t a woman.

Now I probably wouldn’t think these thoughts if I hadn’t been born a woman. Even my drag queen friends like going back to being a man when they are done dressing up as women. Don’t get me wrong, being a woman certainly has its advantages, but sometimes I’d like to trade places to see what the world would be like from a man’s perspective. It seems that women in this century have to play both roles in order to get ahead and be on equal footing with men.

The double play in the video and the fact that the entire thing was in black and grey and white was a really nice touch. Overall, I think this is a really good video that touched me and made me smile.  Hope you like it too.