
All posts for the day February 16th, 2012

Post by JAI

Award winning composer, vocalist, and superhero

Here is a really good article by Bob Baker, who is the author of “Guerrilla Music Marketing Online,” Berkleemusic’s “Music Marketing 101” course, and many other books and promotion resources for DIY artists, managers and music biz pros.

1. Support local businesses who are willing to support you, by building relationships and doing cross promotions with them.

2. Support local artists by promoting their shows, offering to hang fliers and post updates about their shows online.

3. Support other bands by purchasing a ticket,  attending their shows, and standing in the audience during their performance

“Relationships are what lay the foundation for a thriving music career. You need to nurture and build them slowly and genuinely.” says Bob Baker.

These seem like simple steps to us, and for the most part we try to follow them.  We even tag team shows in town when one of us is unable to make it, so we make sure one of the members from Sensuous Enemy is in attendance.  We make every effort to be their for our band friends and try to support them as much as we can.  If we don’t support them, then why would we ever expect them to support us.  Maybe they will, maybe the won’t, but at least we’ll know we did our best to help keep music alive and active in Madison!

What are some of your favorite shows you have attended in Madison so far this  year?
What was your favorite Madison show from 2011?